Patient Information
- Patient needs to report all his/her chronic medical conditions to the health care professional.
- Based on the reason to do the procedure the patient may have to stop taking anti-coagulants; Aspirin, Clexane (enoxaparin), Warfarin, etc... 48 hours before Procedure/Surgery.
- Some procedures can be done under local anesthesia like circumcision which can be performed in the doctor's rooms. Please note that local anesthesia cannot be used on patients 13 years and older.
- When arranged to go under general anesthesia, the Patient should not have any food or water no later than 22:00 the night before day of admission or 6 hours before the procedure as advised by Dr Moshokoa.
- It is may be advisable to shave the pubic/penile/vaginal area before admission (Optional)
Routine Check
The main purpose of this visit is to ensure that everything is still in good working order and to catch any problems before you become symptomatic, which may make the treatment more complicated.
The doctor will ask you a number of routine questions to asses any urological issues which you may already be having but are not aware of.Procedure
- We will go through your medical history and any previous urological problems you may have experienced.
- A urine sample will be asked of you. It would be highly recommended that you arrive with a full bladder
- Then a physical exam will be conducted. The exam will mainly focus on the genitourinary system, that is, the kidneys, bladder and the reproductive organs.
- Once your results (from all the samples given) are in, you will receive a call asking that you schedule a follow up with the doctor
Medicolegal Services
We assess the following : Impairment and rating on serious injury, causality if injuries, Complications, loss and impact on future earnings. Impact on social life and estimated implications for future treatment. We report on each individual case in context.
Dr Moshokoa is well informed and experienced as an expert witness. Medical practice is evolving.. keeping updated is important, teaching our expertise is important. That is why we teach as we learn
Dr Moshokoa has been involved in medicolegal work since 2006. The passion and experience in the field makes medicolegal work to be our priority. There is no need to interpret, Dr Moshokoa can speak and understand fluently all South African languages except Khoisan and sign language.
Clients are booked and we pride ourselves in keeping appointments with a full service and short waiting times. We appreciate that the clients may have back to back appointments with other experts.
We offer expert advice in medicolegal cases. Should there be RAF cases or litigation services. For RAF cases , a RAF form is filled in request. We have engaged with many law experts across South Africa. We work with plaintiff and defence cases. On litigation cases we offer assessment on merit and quantum. Should there be need for court appearance that is our commitment until the matter is closed. In cases where there should be joint minutes or pretrial briefings we do it with experience and attention to detail.
Cases that go to court for are variable from negligence, cerebral palsy, assault and RAF claims.
We support practitioners in Urology for mentorship as well.
Vasectomy is a voluntary surgical procedure intended for sterilization done for or as a contraceptive method by males. The doctor cuts or ties part of the male sperm passage (vas deference).
Cystoscopy is the examination of the lower urinary tract (Bladder & Urethra) by urologist through use of specialized cystoscopy camera. The procedure is booked or requested by Urologist after consultation & maybe some laboratory tests. Cystoscopy is usually a day procedure.
Prostate biopsy is the procedure of sampling prostate tissue from males using a needle or forceps. Multiple bites using a tru-cut needle or forceps will be done with removal of tissue from the prostate to send to the laboratory (Males).
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin. It is done for variety of reasons: tight fore skin (Phimosis), growth on the foreskin itself suspicious of cancer or extensive warts. In south Africa other reasons are religious, cultural and from the rollout of Male medical circumcision (MMC).
Gender reaffirmation surgery for male to female is done for people who have gender dysphoria should have been assessed.
We also deal with the following:
- Kidneys
- Ureter
- Penis
- Testicles
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Bed Wetting
- Pelvic organ prolapse
More information will be made available during consultation.